ASK4Girls Clubs build a local change ecosystem to support girls' education, agency, and health and lower the barriers girls face at the individual, community, and school levels.    ACESWorld uses evidence-based educational programming and a unified approach to sexual and reproductive health, human rights, and transformative life skills education. ASK4Girls Clubs are learner-centered and participatory. We create a learning environment based on equality, respect, and human rights.

  • applying a unified approach to sexual and reproductive health and rights, life skills, and human rights education to help young women to lead full and healthy lives

  • using evidence-based educational programming to develop the capacity of young women to enjoy and advocate for their rights to dignity and equality

  • brings a holistic approach to girls' education, lowering the barriers they face at the individual, community, and school levels.

  • building a local ecosystem of change in support of girls' education

Activities, Skills, and Knowledge for Girls Club

“I am focused. I am determined. I am hopeful. I am powerful. I will go to school. I will lead by example.”

ASK4Girls Club Ghana

Ahafo Region

ASK4Girls Club Uganda

Amuria District

ASK4Girls Club Malawi

Dzaleka Refugee Camp

ASK4Girls Club Kenya

Lamu County